Portrait of Jared Brashears

Without the Experience, There Would be No Memories!

I'm a normal person like everyone else, at least that's what I keep telling myself. I'm really a person whose had the good fortune to experience many things in life, some good and some bad. How I react and respond to each experience helps me to better understand situations and navigate through them. Experience is what keeps people relevant and relatable. I share some of my experiences on this site so enjoy. Relate to what you can and dream about what you can't.


I draw inspiration from the experiences throughout my life. I wouldn’t be who or where I am today without all of the twists and turns and ups and downs. Experience is what I live for, and I get a new one everyday between my kids there's always something new to experience.

The work that I choose to do allows me to input my style with creating something that speaks to my clients interests and goals. If you have questions reguarding the work I do or have done, or if you would just like to share opinions or critique my work please feel free to contact me.